Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the discussion. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.
Include the following sections:
- Application of Course Knowledge:
- Reflect on your learning experience. Which concepts stood out to you and made an impact? How do you envision using the concepts learned in this course in your future nursing practice as a master’s prepared nurse?
- Describe how course learning activities and assignments will help you achieve MSN Program Outcome 3: Engage in lifelong personal and professional growth through reflective practice and appreciation of cultural diversity. (Cultural Humility).
- Describe how course learning activities and assignments will help you achieve ONE of the subcompetencies listed below that are related to the AACN Essentials Competency 1.1: Demonstrate an understanding of the discipline of nursing’s distinct perspective and where shared perspectives exist with other disciplines listed below.
- 1.1e: Translate evidence from nursing science as well as other sciences into practice
- 1.1f: Demonstrate the application of nursing science to practice
- 1.1g: Integrate an understanding of nursing history in advancing nursing’s influence in health care
This course has allowed me to shift my perspective as an APRN and understand the role I will be taking once I complete the program. One of the concepts that stood out to me was how our role as APRNs is more than just providing care to our patients……………. Kindly click the purchase icon to access the full solution for $6 or WHATSAPP +254712575747